Monday, April 28, 2008


It is a legally binding contract between the workers and the employer.The union contract guarantees wages, benefits and working conditions. It is negotiated and agreed to by the union workers and management. The length of each union contract is always several years, with three or four years being the most common. When the contract is near expiration, negotiations begin on a new agreement.Union members in the bargaining unit have final say on the terms of the contract. They appoint a bargaining committee of co-workers. Professional negotiators employed by the union a work with the bargaining committee. Before formal negotiations begin, members have full opportunity to voice their desires about the terms of the contract. It takes a simple majority of bargaining unit members to ratify a contract.
Our contract with Kroger espires in May 2008. . Only Union members may perticipate in this process. To attend meetings, prehaps be on the bargainging committee and to vote on the contract to accept or reject, YOU MUST BE a member of the Union.
For more information about your current contract and become a part of UFCW

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